Humic acid

Humic acid is a natural organic compound derived from decomposed plant and animal matter. Here are the key points about humic acid:

1. Composition: It is a complex mixture of humic substances and fulvic acid formed during organic matter decomposition.

2. Soil Amendment: Used to improve soil structure, enhance aggregation, and increase water-holding capacity.

1. Nutrient Retention and Availability: High cation exchange capacity (CEC) helps retain and make nutrients more available to plants.

2. Chelation: Acts as a chelating agent, forming complexes with metal ions and improving micronutrient uptake.

3. pH Buffering: Can adjust and buffer soil pH, keeping it within the optimal range for plant growth.

4. Water Retention: Enhances soil water-holding capacity, particularly beneficial in sandy or well-draining soils.

1. Biological Activity: Stimulates soil microbial activity, promoting nutrient cycling and disease suppression.

7. Plant Growth Promotion: Improves root development, seed germination, and overall plant health. Enhances stress tolerance.

Humic acid is available in liquid, powder, and granular forms for various application methods. Choose reputable products and follow recommended guidelines for best results. Conduct soil tests and seek expert advice for specific crop and soil conditions.